Friday 31 October 2008

Male Bonding- going back to your Neolithic roots

Hunting? Bad. Against the law even. Nevertheless men need to fulfill their desire and role as hunter-gatherers. At some point, they are also in the position where they have to plan a big all-male event: as best man, for a birthday, bar mitzvah or just because they have more money than sense. Therefore it makes sense to investigate what other options there are available for men who just want to step back in time and get all Neanderthal.

Apparently an archaic tradition in Exmoor although some argue that it is a relatively new phenomenon. The red deer there are mainly silent and live separately for most of the year. This all changes when it comes to mating season- Sept- early Nov. Stags engage in roaring contests where they make deep guttural noises to attract females and intimidate other males.
Bolving evolved when hunting was de rigueur and farmers used to mimic the deers’ wails in order to lure and snuff them out. This deceptive behaviour is not really the done thing anymore but the men of Exmoor grew so attached to this practice, they gave it a name, bolving and turned it into a sport all of its own.
The 5th annual bolving competition took place in Dulverton on the 18th October and was well received- raising £1,800 for charity. The competition was judged on sound quality, pitch and the deers’ response. After the event, participants and spectators all pile back to The Rock Inn for the prize-giving ceremony. Due to press coverage the previous year, there was a mass influx of supporters. It could certainly be an interesting location to consider if you are trying to organize a stag do for next year. It will be young bucks a-plently.
Contact: email: or post: The Organisers, Bolving Competition 2009, The Rock House Inn, 1 Jury Road, Dulverton, West Somerset, TA22 9DU

Clay Pigeon Shooting
This one is fairly well known. This is a mocked up version of using a shotgun to kill birds. There are different variations but essentially you will stand in a particular place and clay disks will be released at different points into the sky and you will shoot at them. When you hit stuff, you will rack up points and be able to compete with your comrades.
Bird Shooting was made illegal in 1921 so this little game has become increasingly popular ever since. You can get the thrill of the hit or kill without feeling guilty when you see tweety-pie.
Whenever you want! Since no living things are involved, you are not at the mercy of their seasonal whims. Laser Pigeon Shooting is now available indoors so you don’t even have to brave the cold outdoors. This could also be good if you want to bring some youngsters with you.
Contact: Direct email to Olly Searl

Drag Hunting
A group of dogs chase a scent that has been laid over the course. Prior to the start of the race, scent (aniseed oil and possibly animal meats) is dragged by a volunteer several miles to wherever the finish line is. The hound first crossing the finish line wins the race. A variation on this is that the hounds are followed by riders on horseback and the hunt ends when the dogs catch up with the scent-layer.
Fox hunting was banned in 2005 so this is the closest you can get I’m afraid. It’s a fun way to get involved with the spirit of the hunt without injuring or killing innocent animals.
The North East Cheshire Drag Hunt’s season runs from September to March with a drag hunt every Saturday. It costs roughly £40 to participate in an event lasting 3-4 hours.
Contact: Pam Gregory, for more information on 07887 687067 / 01782 511684.

Cyber Hunting
Fairly straightforward- buy or download a package that allows you recreate the hunting environment of your choice. You could even decorate your front-room to create a ambient wilderness. Too much bother? Yeah…
If none of the above rock your world then you may want to indulge in some hunting simulation. You and you bonding chums can disappear into a simple world of the past and experience the intense competition without even having to venture outside. There are tons of options available to you.
Now! Check out some of these websites to get the ball rolling:
• A selection of hunting games that can be downloaded for free from their website. Try Deer Hunting, It’s Time to Hunt Turkey, Bear Hunting and the Outdoors Shootout. Unlike some hunting games, these titles show realistic looking graphics, giving you a richer experience.
• This website is filled with downloadable video games including hunting, board games, puzzle, simulation, sports, racing, gambling and strategy games. You can either purchase or try out the demos to see what they are like.
• Offers free online point and click games including Big Bird Hunting. By using a bow and arrow, try to shoot down birds as they fly across your screen.

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