Friday 13 June 2008

Father's Day

Due to funds running dry with the career change, I am now shamelessly exploiting my talent (?) as a gift giving facility. To add insult to injury, I am also posting it up for all to see. Sorry Dad, hope it's worth it.

Not Darth Vadar

It takes more than
Luke, I am your father
To claim to be man
enough to be known as Dad.

A seed can be sown,
But it still needs to be nurtured
Even when it has grown.

Eye level with your jeans' buckle,
Omnisicence was a given,
Until you moonwalked muddy tough love
Throughout my teens-
Conciliatory fish and chips
Meets a homicidal teaspoon
In my head.

The wealth of Life's rich tapestry
That you are sewn
So intricately into
Cannot be undone.

Your title can't be
bought, borrowed or stolen-
It can only be harvested slowly;
I love you Dad.

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